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“If there is an earthquake has it been studied in that Fracking could be the cause??? I believe any company who has the potential to endager live such as the last hazardess waste poisoning of water should pay into a cleanup program (which should remain untouchable). There is too much greed going on and instead of the big corps getting tax breaks to lower our price, their own corporate employees should be reduced in salary and taxed higher on their profits. The so called richest list should be the most well off list. The world as it is today, money will not buy protection from the coming onslot of misery. Sure have our government throw more money at NASA to search for a place for the 1% to move to after they milk this planet for all it's worth. What will $$$ do on Mars. For smart people they sure are dumb.”

From a Democrat in Lawrence, MA
In reponse to: Do you support the use of hydraulic fracking to extract oil and natural gas resources?

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