Try the political quiz

44 Replies

 @9H5KZD4 from Utah disagreed…5mos5MO

If we focus more on foreign aid, we start to neglect our own citizens and leave ourselves defenseless. We send our money and troops away. not good.

 @9LQ54QD from Illinois agreed…1wk1W

It will help use make connections with other countries and help us get through wars as well as for other countries.


This way, we are less likely to be attacked and will establish peace to other countries and inside America.

 @9GSHSY2 from California agreed…6mos6MO

I think they should increase the agreement for helping people to live their lives in the government.

 @9FW6XR4from Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

When we have children starving in the US, we need to allocate the funds to solving domestic issues here.

 @9FM28JS from New York agreed…7mos7MO

If we increase Foreign aid we can reap the benefits of other countries support. The global economy is crucial in our own economy and working with others is the best way to succeed.


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