Try the political quiz

10 Replies


How would you feel if your country was told it couldn't defend itself by buying weapons from allies?

 @9MM4G69 from Indiana answered…2wks2W

I would feel unsecure and unsafe in my Country because we would be defenseless in any means of attack.

 @9MLWHBLDemocrat from Texas commented…2wks2W

economic, territorial, religious, political, civil, revenge and ideological.

 @EnlightenedBudgetBillTaiwanese Independence from Illinois commented…2wks2W

Honestly, this move by China doesn't surprise me at all; it's just their latest attempt to intimidate Taiwan and any country that supports our right to defend ourselves. It's clear that China is trying to isolate Taiwan internationally by penalizing companies that help bolster our defense capabilities. But, in my opinion, this kind of action just shows how determined they are to undermine Taiwan's security and sovereignty. I'm grateful that there are still countries and companies willing to stand with Taiwan, despite the pressure from China. It's crucial for our safety and for maintaining the status quo across the Taiwan Strait. Ultimately, I believe that these sanctions won't deter the spirit of the Taiwanese people or our resolve to protect our island and maintain our democratic way of life.

 @XerusJackChinese Nationalism from Minnesota commented…2wks2W

Finally, China is taking a firm stance against those undermining its sovereignty by selling arms to Taiwan; it's about time these companies faced consequences for their actions.


China sanctions US firms over arms sales to Taiwan…

General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, General Dynamics Land Systems, and Boeing Defense, Space and Security will be sanctioned. Read more at


China sanctions three US defence companies for arms sales to Taiwan…

Beijing: China placed three defence companies in the US on its list of “unreliable companies” for selling weapons to Taiwan, China’s Ministry of Commerce announced Monday. The three companies added to China’s list of “unreliable companies” are Boeing Defense,


China sanctions three US defence companies for arm sales to Taiwan…

China placed three defence companies in the US on its list of "unreliable companies" for selling weapons to Taiwan, China's Ministry of Commerce announced on Monday.


Should countries be able to support the self-defense efforts of another country, even if it angers a powerful nation?


Is it fair for a nation to punish foreign companies because they disagree with who those companies do business with?