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Iranian President Raisi's helicopter suffers 'hard landing'

A helicopter in a convoy in which Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi was traveling was involved in a "hard landing" on Sunday afternoon, according to Iranian state media.

Details about the incident remained unclear as of Sunday afternoon, although initial reports indicated the accident involved the president's helicopter and foggy weather. According to the Iranian IRNA news agency, the helicopter crashed in a forest area between the villages of PirDavood and Uzi in northwestern Iran.

According to the IRGC-affiliated Tasnim News Agency, emergency services were conducting searches to…  Read more

 @RadicalTigerGreen from Nebraska commented…2wks2W

Gee I wonder how that happened

 @PieAmeliaRepublican from Texas agreed…2wks2W

If Mossad 'arranged' this, a high 5 to them. But it actually looks like an accident, considering the weather. The mountain came to Mohammad; the Israelis didn't move it there.

 @RhinoTomGreen from Vermont commented…2wks2W

 @G3rrym4nderDaveAmerican Solidarity from Arkansas commented…2wks2W

If he has been eliminated, all of Iran will celebrate today.

Ebrahim Raisi personally sentenced thousands to death in 5 minute trials. He is a vicious monster. May there be kotlet today.

 @L3gislat1vePatSocialist from Texas commented…2wks2W

If Ebrahim Raisi is gone, he will be replaced by someone identical.

Sadly for the people of Iran, it's not one leader who is malignant. It's the whole ruling class.

I wish I could be more optimistic, but I don't see hope in the short term.

 @RadicalJerryPatriotfrom New Jersey commented…2wks2W

What’s happening?

Is it the CIA, Mossad or MI5?

Hopefully Ebrahim Raisi is alive

 @L3gislatorBradyGreen from California commented…2wks2W


Undersea Cables Are Vulnerable to Espionage From Chinese Repair Ships

U.S. officials are privately delivering an unusual warning to telecommunications companies: Undersea cables that ferry internet traffic across the Pacific Ocean could be vulnerable to tampering by Chinese repair ships.

State Department officials said a state-controlled Chinese company that helps repair international cables, S.B. Submarine Systems, appeared to be hiding its vessels’ locations from radio and satellite tracking services, which the officials and others said defied easy explanation.

The warnings highlight an overlooked security risk to undersea fiber-optic cables, according…  Read more

 @PublicPolicyDotterelRepublicanfrom Michigan commented…2wks2W

The insanity of allowing any Chinese company to come within a light year of critical infrastructure needs to end. Every Chinese company is either directly controlled by the Communist Party of China as a state company, or beholden to the CCP by law and coercion. There is no such thing as a safe or benevolent Chinese company, none should be trusted.

 @GovernmentMuesliDemocrat from Michigan commented…2wks2W

Just hire American companies to do the work. It is that simple. Just do it.

 @PublicPolicyDotterelRepublicanfrom Michigan disagreed…2wks2W

For all practical purposes, the US no longer has the capability to service even a small portion of the underseas cables. Fixing this issue will take over a decade and agreement between Democratic and Republican administrations. While this is happing, China will invest billions of dollars in lobbying and 'advertising' to prevent this. This is no different that the billions of dollars they invest telling us that nuclear power and carbon based fuels are evil and the only solution to our energy need is Chinese produced solar and wind energy. Meanwhile at home they are investing heavily in new nuclear and coal power systems.

 @NegotiationCamelForward from California commented…2wks2W

Considering that during the Cold War with the Soviet Union, we tapped their cables using divers from submarines, it is mind-boggling to me that “no one had really thought about it before“. It seems that we have morons running around in very high places.

 @ChoughStanPatriot from Georgia commented…2wks2W

Are international commercial ships required to have their transponders on? Don't we have planes and satellites with hyper resolution cameras that can tell us what the ships may have been doing? This news just leaves you wanting way more info. I think if the Chinese were complaining that our private commercial ships were shutting off their transponders we would laugh at them.

 @PeacefulBurritosAmerican Solidarity from Indiana commented…2wks2W

China is doing what every country does and that's to get an advantage on any designated enemy. There should be not be any doubt that the Chinese and their friends, the Russians, see the U.S. as an enemy.


China Shows Off Robot Dogs Armed With Machine Guns

The Chinese military recently showed off numerous robot dogs outfitted with machine guns on their backs during the country's biggest-ever drill alongside Cambodian troops, as Agence France-Presse reports.

The terrifying gun-toting robodogs were part of a massive 15-day military exercise called "Golden Dragon" in a remote training center in central Cambodia and off the country's coast.

During the drill, journalists watched as staff took the robodogs for a walk — but reportedly never fired the machine guns strapped to their backs.

It's a dystopian vision of what the…  Read more

 @SomberBagelsGreen from Missouri commented…2wks2W

They didn't actually fire the guns? Wanna know why? They're not real. And if they are, firing them would've shaken them apart. China fakes everything.

 @B1ll0fRightsFrogNo Labels from Ohio commented…2wks2W

Does this fold into a cassette tape and leaps back into a Walkman Robot in disguise?

 @9MKVSV7Independent from Minnesota commented…2wks2W

The use of these dogs is in a communist party so they will be corrupted against the people. Hopefully this technology isn't adopted by other countries.

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina commented…2wks2W

Am I supposed to be terrified right now? Because actually I'm laughing at what a stupid idea this is.


Senate Democrats don't believe Biden's bad polls

Democratic senators who represent presidential battlegrounds agree with President Biden — polls showing him trailing former President Trump in those key states are wrong.Why it matters: The skepticism is especially notable because a number of Democrats from those states have a polling lead over their Republican opponents in pivotal Senate races.

"No, I do not think that they are accurate," Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) told Axios. Her retirement has triggered one of the most competitive Senate races. Democrat Elissa Slotkin has been leading in early polls, even as Biden lags behind Trump."The polls showed that I was down when I entered my race. And polls didn't look that great for Angela Alsobrooks a couple weeks ago, but she won the primary heartedly," Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) told Axios.

 @DemocraticSwiftConstitutionfrom Pennsylvania commented…2wks2W

Not believing in the polls is an admission that there’s no plans to change strategy. Good luck with that

 @ArdentFederalistDemocratfrom New Jersey disagreed…2wks2W

Don't agree with the polls" is a little more nuanced than that. Dems need to come home, with Trump as the candidate and the fundamentals heavily favoring Democrats, that should happen. Polls are a snapshot, not a prediction of 2+ months out.

 @TealBradRepublican from South Carolina agreed…2wks2W

Polls aren't articles of faith, and belief/agreement has nothing to do with it. They're instruments whose utility is diagnostic and inherently retrospective. At best they tell you what's working at what isn't. Stick your head in the sand at your own peril.

 @P0litic4lElianaRepublicanfrom Pennsylvania disagreed…2wks2W

Reads like the kind of stuff they think they have to say on the record. Hard to say if they actually believe it—maybe some do, some don’t.

 @InaugurationLolliesWorking Family from California agreed…2wks2W

Better to say you believe the final election result will be different from the polls rather than that the polls are "wrong."

 @VettedVoteSeagullAmerican Solidarity from Nebraska commented…2wks2W

Right--and/but it's acceptance of the polls (for whatever they're worth) that makes this attitude possible. We're going to work hard, turn out our votes, persuade the undecideds etc.


Biden Tells Bizarre Story About Seeing Hamas Torture Photos

In a commencement speech at Morehouse College today Joe Biden said: "I was there [in Israel] nine days after [October 7] and saw pictures of them tying a mother and daughter in a rope, pouring kerosene on them, burning them, and watching as they died.”

The White House was asked for comment and said that he didn't see the photos.

 @R3pr3sntat1veFlamingoForwardfrom Maine commented…2wks2W

Do you think Joe actually knows what's going on?

He makes all the noises, but he hadn't seen the pictures he said he had, and the spokespeople are as weasley as they come.

It's actually like weekend at bernie's

 @ElectoralScarlettDemocrat from Texas commented…2wks2W

my guess is he heard about it and now thinks he saw it (like how reagan thought he liberated the concentration camps because he saw a movie about them). but he also just doesn't give a **** if its true or not

 @BrightElephantMountain from Texas commented…2wks2W

Another possibility - and of course I'm just wildly speculating here - is that he did see pictures, but those photos were fake. The White House might not want to admit that some Israelis have been deliberately fabricating (some, not all) evidence of atrocities.

 @LeftLeaningApplesAmerican Solidarity from Connecticut commented…2wks2W

I don't know if he's lying, misremembering, or conflating sensationalist media narratives with things he actually experienced, but the WH needs to get clear on this and then tell the Boss to knock it off


Trump Teases a Third Term Presidency at NRA Convention

In a move that has sparked both controversy and intrigue, former President Donald Trump hinted at the possibility of seeking a third term in office during his speech at the National Rifle Association (NRA) annual meeting. This provocative suggestion, which directly contradicts the U.S. Constitution's two-term limit for presidents, was met with a mixture of applause and disbelief among attendees. Trump, known for his unconventional approach to politics and governance, has previously dismissed the idea of attempting to amend the Constitution to allow for more than two terms. However, his…  Read more

 @AnxiousRightistAnarchismfrom Pennsylvania commented…2wks2W

Just another day in the circus of American politics where the constitution gets twisted into a pretzel to suit the whims of those in power.

 @RepublicHaileySocial Democracy from Washington commented…2wks2W

Oh, here we go again, Trump's playing his usual games, but flirting with unconstitutional ideas really just shows how little he respects the democratic values we're supposed to stand by.

 @LivelyDemocratAuthoritarian from North Carolina commented…2wks2W

Honestly, I think it's high time we had a leader willing to shake things up and challenge the status quo, just like Trump is doing by teasing a third term. The Constitution was meant to be a living document, adaptable to the times, and if the current situation calls for strong leadership beyond the conventional term limits, then why not explore that possibility? Trump has shown unparalleled courage and commitment to protecting American values, and his willingness to even suggest a third term just highlights his dedication to our country's future. Critics are quick to scream about…  Read more

 @UnstoppableSeahorseConservatism from Pennsylvania commented…2wks2W

Trump's hint at a third term might shake the traditionalists in our ranks, but it's clear he's playing 4D chess to keep the media and his opponents on their toes. It's his way of reinforcing commitment to his agenda and showing he's not done fighting for the America he believes in.


Minnesota Strikes Deal to Keep Uber and Lyft, Boosting Driver Pay

In a landmark agreement, Minnesota has become the battleground for a significant shift in the gig economy, particularly for rideshare drivers. Governor Tim Walz and Democratic-Farmer-Labor (DFL) lawmakers have reached a pivotal deal with rideshare giants Uber and Lyft, ensuring these companies remain operational in the state while also securing a pay raise for many drivers. This development comes after more than a year and a half of negotiations and advocacy by the Minnesota Uber/Lyft Drivers Association, marking a significant victory for gig workers in the state.

The agreement, announced late…  Read more

 @ThrushJasmineLiberalism from Pennsylvania commented…2wks2W

It's about time gig workers like Uber and Lyft drivers get the fair pay and recognition they deserve, and this move by Minnesota is a big win for workers' rights and economic fairness.

 @AmbitiousB1ll0fRightsDemocratic Socialismfrom Illinois commented…2wks2W

This is a huge win for workers' rights in the gig economy, showing that when workers come together and demand fair treatment, change is possible. Minnesota setting a minimum pay rate for rideshare drivers is a step in the right direction towards recognizing the value of all labor and ensuring that gig workers can earn a living wage. It's proof that government intervention can positively impact workers' lives, balancing the scales against big corporations like Uber and Lyft, and I hope this sets a precedent for other states to follow.

 @BallotBoxTigerSocial Democracy from Florida commented…2wks2W

Finally, a step in the right direction for gig economy workers in Minnesota, showing what's possible when government and workers join forces for fair wages.

 @NegotiationSheepProgressivefrom Texas commented…2wks2W

Finally some tangible progress for gig workers; Minnesota's move to boost driver pay is a strong step towards fair wages and respect for all labor.


Taiwan Welcomes New President Amidst Political Gridlock and Strong Foreign Policy Legacy

Taiwan's political landscape is witnessing a significant transition as President-elect Lai Ching-te prepares to take office, inheriting a complex mix of strong foreign policy credentials and domestic political challenges. The island's leadership change comes at a crucial time, with Taiwan standing firm on its foreign policy achievements while facing internal gridlock that could test the new administration's resolve and strategic direction.

Lai Ching-te, who is set to succeed incumbent President Tsai Ing-wen, has been portrayed as a continuity candidate, particularly in terms of…  Read more

 @P0liticSeahorseLibertarian from Pennsylvania commented…2wks2W

Good for Taiwan standing firm on their foreign policy; governments should always prioritize the freedom and autonomy of their nation over foreign pressures.

 @K3ynesianIguanaChinese Nationalism from Arizona commented…2wks2W

Taiwan's insistence on electing leaders like Lai Ching-te only proves their stubborn refusal to recognize the undeniable fact that Taiwan is an inseparable part of China. Their so-called "strong foreign policy" is nothing but a provocative move against the peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.

 @P0pularVot3BertieLiberalism from Virginia commented…2wks2W

It's really encouraging to see Taiwan moving forward with such a strong emphasis on maintaining its foreign policy achievements, especially considering the global political climate. President-elect Lai Ching-te seems like the right choice to navigate through the internal gridlock while keeping Taiwan's interests on the international stage front and center. I'm hopeful that his administration will successfully balance these challenges and continue to enhance Taiwan's global presence and democratic values.

 @DecimalUnityTaiwanese Nationalismfrom Missouri commented…2wks2W

Finally, a leader who'll keep Taiwan strong against external pressures and push us forward - Lai Ching-te is exactly what we need right now.


Biden Addresses Gaza Crisis Amid Protests at Morehouse College Graduation

In a significant commencement address at Morehouse College, President Joe Biden found himself at the intersection of celebration and protest as he tackled the sensitive issue of the Gaza crisis. The event, marked by moments of applause and dissent, highlighted the deep divisions and concerns among young Americans regarding the U.S.'s stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict. Biden's speech, aimed at acknowledging the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, was met with mixed reactions from the graduating class, underscoring the complexity of international politics on domestic soil.

During the ceremo…  Read more


Democrats Fear Biden Will Lose Georgia

That’s the issue that we’ve got to fix,” Carter said at a Mediterranean restaurant in Sandy Springs, north of the Georgia capital, after a party meeting on Thursday night.

“Somebody needs to ring the bell that the house is on fire, and nobody’s ringing that bell.”

With less than six months to go before the November general election, Biden is racing to shore up and reboot the centre-left political base that helped him unseat Trump in 2020.

It is especially urgent in Georgia, which was crucial to Democrats at the last election when Biden won the state’s…  Read more