Try the political quiz

8 Replies


If you were in a position of power, how would you handle opposition from within your own team?

 @9LL8Z46Peace and Freedom from Illinois commented…2mos2MO

I would cut them off immediately and take everything they say as an insult.

 @9LL8VCL from North Carolina commented…2mos2MO

I would take them out of my team and depending on what they've done, make them deal with the consequences of it. Whether it be death or anything like that.


Do you believe it's fair to oust a leader for making unpopular choices, or should loyalty to the leader's position hold more weight?

  @JcawolfsonIndependent from Pennsylvania answered…2mos2MO

Consent of the governed

If the people don't want to follow a leader, then the leader shouldn't lead.

There is a social contract.

Leaders need consent of their followers.

Otherwise, why lead?


GOP Rep Throws Support Behind Motion to Vacate the Chair — Urges Mike Johnson to Resign…

Another House Republican is throwing his voicing his support for ousting House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.). On Tuesday, Rep. Thomas


How would you feel if a leader of a group you belong to was being removed because some members disagreed with their decisions?

 @ElandLeoLibertarian from Arizona commented…2mos2MO

It's refreshing to see some GOP lawmakers standing up against wasteful foreign aid spending, aligning more closely with a fiscally conservative stance that respects taxpayer dollars. This push against Speaker Mike Johnson underscores the importance of adhering to principles over party politics, a key aspect of maintaining integrity within our political system.


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