Try the political quiz

8 Replies

 @Mandat3LeoRepublican from Alabama commented…3wks3W

Biden: "If you have a problem figuring out whether you are for me or Trump, then you ain't Black."

In 2024, 40% of African American men aren't Black enough for Joe Biden.

 @GiddyExecutiveDemocrat from Pennsylvania disagreed…3wks3W

First off, Biden apologized for saying that, admitting he was wrong was something Trump NEVER does. Secondly, you don’t find this insulting?

 @VulturePhilPatriot from New Jersey agreed…3wks3W

That line should have sank Biden but black Southern pastors and their congregations gave him a pass for being a Dem (party of the Klan). Pretty crazy!


What role do you believe personal disappointment in a candidate's performance plays in the decision to explore third-party options or abstain from voting altogether?


Can a president truly address the diverse needs of all demographic groups, including Black Americans, or are some groups inevitably left with unmet expectations?


Why might the loyalty of Black women to the Democratic Party be stronger than that of Black men, in your opinion?


How do personal identity and political beliefs intersect for you when choosing a candidate to support?


Why do you think some Black men are choosing to support Trump over Biden, based on your understanding of their potential concerns and values?

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