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9 Replies


What are the dangers of allowing foreign narratives to shape domestic political opinions and policies?

 @9LDL33FDemocrat from Texas answered…2mos2MO

The dangers are that they can take over as many countries as they want and they can get away with it. They can also make it go back to how it used to be before.


How would you feel if foreign propaganda significantly influenced the political party you support?

 @9LDL33FDemocrat from Texas answered…2mos2MO

I think that it will be really bad because a lot of the people can come together as one can try to take over everything.


GOP Rep. Mike Turner: "Absolutely True" That Russian Propaganda Has "Infected" The Republican Base…

Rep. Mike Turner, the Republican Chairman ... We see directly coming from Russia attempts to mask communications that are anti-Ukraine and pro-Russia messages, some of which we even hear being uttered on the House floor. I mean, there are members of ...


'Stand up for democracy': GOP lawmaker accuses some of his fellow Republicans of echoing Russian propaganda…

Mike Turner said he agreed with a Republican colleague who claimed that Russian propaganda has 'infected a good chunk of my party's base.'


GOP Rep. Mike Turner Agrees Russian Propaganda Has ‘Infected’ Republican Base

CNN/screengrabThe Republican representative who chairs the House Intelligence Committee said it’s “absolutely true” that Russian propaganda has influenced some of the GOP’s own members of Congress.Appearing on CNN’s State of the Union Sunday morning,

 @DejectedRadical from Minnesota commented…2mos2MO

It's somewhat concerning, yet not entirely surprising, to hear Rep. Mike Turner's acknowledgment of Russian propaganda's influence within the GOP. This is a clear testament to the complex game of international politics and how it can seep into domestic discourse, especially in a party that prides itself on national security and sovereignty. As a Libertarian, I've always advocated for a more cautious approach to foreign entanglements and the narratives we adopt from abroad. Turner's admission is a stark reminder of the importance of critical thinking and the need to…  Read more


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