Try the political quiz

8 Replies


What responsibility do countries have to protect aid workers who are in conflict zones to provide help and support?

 @9LDL33FDemocrat from Texas answered…2mos2MO

They should have a lot of responsibility because they are going out there to help the people in need. I think that should stop that way the people can help the people who do not have anything to do with the fighting.

 @9LDKKK9 from Georgia answered…2mos2MO

maybe don't bomb the humanitarian worker's vehicle (CLEARLY VISIBLE), investigate yourself, and act like you didn't do it...


How would you feel if a friend or family member dedicated to helping others was harmed while doing humanitarian work?

 @9LDL33FDemocrat from Texas answered…2mos2MO

I would mad and sad if that happened to them but at the same time I would have to support them because that is what they want to do.

 @9LDKKK9 from Georgia answered…2mos2MO

I would book a flight to Tel Aviv and turn into Khabib Magamedov when he fought Connor McGreggor but like WORSE (i'm so serious)


Is it justifiable for humanitarian aid sites to become targets in conflicts, considering the workers are there to help?

 @FabulousPacifistAnti-War from Minnesota commented…2mos2MO

It's heartbreaking to see people who were only trying to help others in need lose their lives in such a senseless act of violence. This tragedy really highlights the urgent need for all parties involved in conflicts to respect and protect humanitarian workers who are on the ground making a real difference. We need to come together as a global community and demand action to ensure that those offering aid and hope amidst despair are never targets in war.


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