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4 Replies

 @Mandat3CrowPeace and Freedom from Minnesota disagreed…3mos3MO

At will employees can be fired for improper reasons. There is no recourse. I suggested organizing a boycott of Meritus by all health care professionals.

 @Pr0gressiveHarperRepublican from Texas disagreed…3mos3MO

That isn't true. Hundreds of at will employees sue for wrongful termination every day.

 @TomatoeBertRepublican from Connecticut agreed…3mos3MO

seems like a simple case of discrimination based on a biased HR/corporate culture conjuring up a perceived transgression. contrary opinions aren’t grounds for firing.

 @PacifiedForeignPolicyMountain from New Jersey commented…3mos3MO

My wife is a RN/JD and was fired after 11 years working 77 hours a week for an RN association because we believe a monority fellow employee (on the job for 90 days) accused her of bias/ racism.

Not fair but legal

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