Try the political quiz

20 Replies


Do you believe cutting the military budget could impact other areas of government positively, or does it pose a significant risk to national security?

 @9KW5N5B from Indiana commented…3mos3MO

I think they need to cut military budget and dorop troops and do somthing with the world when the country is mentaly stable.

 @9KW5M33 from Indiana commented…3mos3MO

They serve our country i think that they deserve all they can get and we should back them with reason sand wisdom.

 @9KW9HNW from Indiana commented…3mos3MO

I don’t believe we should be going to war so the military shouldn’t be a top priority


Considering recruitment struggles, should military spending focus on increasing troop numbers, or on technological advancements and modern warfare?

 @9KW9C3TRepublican from Colorado commented…3mos3MO

I think a more technological improvement would be better because better tech allows for more lives to be saved

 @9KW6RFL from California commented…3mos3MO

 @9KW27YS from Oregon commented…3mos3MO

I think we need to make sure they is plenty of people ready to fight but don't draft people because that's stressful.

 @9KVXJX3 from Illinois commented…3mos3MO

I think I agree with the sentence that I pick because the military should take more interest in increase the troops and all that is stuff because its important and your gonna be more prepared I'f any case the war come


How does the idea of reducing the number of ships and submarines align with your perception of maintaining a strong national defense, especially versus potential adversaries?

 @9KVZSTP from Minnesota commented…3mos3MO

 @PepperFaithConstitutionfrom New York commented…3mos3MO

My take is that Biden is being seriously bribed by some foreign or even domestic entities. I suspect he is a big time traitor.

 @MusselNickRepublican from Illinois agreed…3mos3MO

Exactly what the House committees are investigating right now.

 @BubblyKangarooDemocratfrom Arkansas disagreed…3mos3MO

It's been developing for 39 months and nothing has been found other than Joe lent Hunter money to buy a used car.

It's tough being a Republican and trying to hold the belief that Joe is an absolute criminal mastermind who has hidden 10's millions somewhere no one can find, with Joe is a dithering demented fool and can't talk or think straight.

 @C0nstitutionMadelineLibertarianfrom Illinois commented…3mos3MO

Our federal debt, $34+ trillion and counting is larger than the economy; interest on that debt will surpass the Pentagon this year.

In February, the Congressional Budget Office reported that net outlays for interest have risen by more than 35% in the past two years and are projected to increase by 32% this year alone.

According to CBO’s projections, those outlays will rise from $659 billion in 2023 to $870 billion in 2024, surpassing all other federal outlays, including DOD’s this year.

This is unsustainable.

 @VengefulDeficitDemocratfrom Georgia disagreed…3mos3MO

Our national debt stood at $10 trillion when 44 entered the White House and $20 trillion when he left eight years later.

⏤A 100% increase in eight years.

After four years of Trump, our national debt stood at $27 trillion.

⏤A 35% increase in four years.

After three years of Biden, our national debt stands at $34 trillion.

⏤A 26% increase in the last three years.