Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @9KN6XZL from Idaho answered…3mos3MO

I grew up in the church of jesus christ of latter day saints and it has always brought me joy

 @9KNN56H from Utah agreed…3mos3MO

a few people I know left the church and don't like it and I can see a big difference in their lives then people who go to church, the church always strengthen me to be a better person and be myself and make good choices that will make my future.

 @9KN8LFC from Virginia answered…3mos3MO

As a muslim, Islam has truly helped me be the person I've wanted to be. It is truly a religion that disciplines one to succeed in this world and the hereafter. Although my opinion is strong on Islam, I cannot change the opinions of others but I believe it is important for people to explore other religions.

 @9KN74KG from Utah answered…3mos3MO

 @9KN6LFZ from California answered…3mos3MO

It made a positive personal development on me because I got more calm and felt better as a person following the way of Jesus Christ. It made me a better person towards my family and friends and I am still working on it.


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