Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @9HX8NRTWomen’s Equality from Tennessee answered…5mos5MO

I wouldn't react any kind of way to be completely honest as my only question would be why you chose this career path what inspired you, the same question I would ask a woman in a males dominate field.

 @9HX8Q4GWomen’s Equality from California answered…5mos5MO

I would support their career choice because there is no such thing as a male job or a female job all allowed to pursue whatever job they like.

 @9HYQ9QVLibertarian from Hawaii agreed…5mos5MO

Although I agree, I do think certain professions such as OBGYN should be more reserved for women as most women would feel uncomfortable having
a man as their OBGYN.

 @9HX8PVD from Texas answered…5mos5MO

It wouldnt matter, I think everyone should be able to work whatever job they choose if they can be qualified for it

 @9HXH2Y8Democrat from Indiana agreed…5mos5MO

As long as they have the qualifications for a job, a person should be able to work wherever they want to.