Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @9HJJWL9 from Alaska answered…6mos6MO

Yes, one example is that as I've aged I've grown a lot more accepting of LGBTQ+ people via learning about more obscure topics and redefining my perception of gender and sexuality. I also tend to add caveats onto strongly held beliefs when they're presented to me and I agree that they're logical; one example is abortion-- while I do strongly believe that it's a medical necessity for people and the difficulty of getting abortions should be minimized, I also understand that they're traumatic, can have complications, and there's a valid philosophical conundrum tied to them, so policies should be created to prevent the NEED for abortions as well.

 @9HJJT5M from Utah answered…6mos6MO

Yes, they have given me information about a topic that isn’t immediately apparent