Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @9H5B6RX from Ohio answered…6mos6MO

Why is healthcare so expensive in the U.S and why is it so difficult to come to a consensus to solve this issue

 @9H5BMLF from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO

The topic I would present for presidential debates would be: "Should we expand on the Historical topics mentioned in the K-12 education system?" It resonates with me because I feel like the history of certain individuals should be highlighted.

 @9H5B4YP from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO

how important is kids going to college and what would you do to try and raise the rates of people going to college


What would you do to improve student debt? detailed plan of what your actions would be. This resonates with me because student debt is so huge in America for so many people including my parents who are still paying back student debt because of student loans. While student loans should only be taken if you have a plan for how you will pay them back, sometimes it is not an option if you take student loans. Most people are unable to pay for college out of pocket and many people do not receive enough scholarship money or grants to lessen their tuition. Student debt may also become a problem for me when I attend college and graduate school.