Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?



Do you think it's important for a country to prioritize its own citizens' wellbeing over global cooperation, and why?

 @9KC2GTM from Connecticut answered…3mos3MO

Nationalism is important but looking at the issues in the world protects us

 @ScoopesoDemocrat  from Florida agreed…3mos3MO

Me personally I don't believe in giving anyone food or bread and my kids haven't even eaten or I'm over or under my budget. So say for example I'm I'm the good neighbor and still do and go out of my way to go to the bakery store and get more bread for majority of the neighbors and this said neighbor needs or desires more bread for whatever reason apparently. Apparently this current situation believes in giving out the bread to the people who's who neighbors are in a fight instead of to the person who needs it the most or has the lease or is the least developed…  Read more