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51 Replies

 @9GTHJGKSocialist from Maryland agreed…7mos7MO

I do not agree with this comment because, though I do believe fetuses are humans and deserve human rights, their human rights do not stump the rights of the breathing person that’s already lived a life.

 @9GN9LV2 from Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

When a child or a teenager dies, people often think it's very tragic because they had their whole life in front of them. It wouldn't be as tragic if an old person died, because they had already lived a life. According to your argument, it would be more tragic if an old person died than if a young person died because the old person has already lived a life, which doesn't make any sense. If you were forced to choose between ending the life of an old person vs ending the life of a child, it would be more ethical to kill the old person who has already lived their life. An unborn child literally has their whole life in front of them, so killing them would be the least ethical thing you can do.

 @9GYLPRMPeace and Freedom from Idaho agreed…7mos7MO

I agree but also disagree. If someone were to be assaulted and then have a baby, they wouldn't take care of it. It would be a gross reminder of what happened to her. If someone waits after three months to abort it, though, they shouldn't. be allowed.

 @9GNC7MF from Nevada agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with having Abortion, because what if a woman got raped and she doesn't want the baby no more. It is her choice to make that

 @9GNC487 from Minnesota agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with that statement to a point. What is the mother's life or wellbeing is at risk because of this pregnancy? Is is fair for this child to live if their parents won't be able to provide for them?

 @9GNF3B8 from Nevada agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with this comment, however, I would say cases of rape and incest should allow for an abortion.

 @9GNBYNB from Illinois agreed…7mos7MO

Yes i agree because I believe that everything has potential just because you made a mistake does not mean you abort the child there are different option such as adoption and Forster care

 @9GS7HJC from California disagreed…7mos7MO

We cannot live in a world where a parasite has more autonomy over their own body than a full-grown human being.

 @9GN9LV2 from Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

Firstly, calling a fetus a "parasite" oversimplifies things. A parasite, by definition, is an organism that benefits at the expense of its host. But a fetus isn't some intruder; it's a natural part of the human life cycle, developing with the intention of becoming a unique individual.

Importantly, no serious pro-life argument suggests that a fetus has more rights than the mother. Pro-lifers generally believe both the mother and the unborn child have equal rights to life. We argue against abortion because it involves taking the life of an innocent and unique human being who…  Read more

 @9GNC24D from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

I am against abortion because I believe that all humans should have human rights. An unborn baby is without a doubt a human being.

 @9GPSQ7Z from New Hampshire agreed…7mos7MO

I totally agree. Once people recognize the humanity of preborn children, the whole abortion worldview collapses

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

Not true. The humanity of an unborn child is actually completely irrelevant to the issue; even if we assumed that all people had full personhood at the moment of conception, it still wouldn't change the fact that we do not have the right to use our mother's body without her consent. In fact, NO person has the right to use ANY other person's body without their consent, even when life is on the line. Again, neither a fetus nor a grown adult person has the right to use another person's body without their consent. As such, when a woman is pregnant and does not want the child,…  Read more

 @9GN9LV2 from Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

You need to understand how human reproduction works. A life that didn't exist (before the woman got pregnant) couldn't possibly have made the woman pregnant. Excluding cases of r*pe, the woman gave consent to participate in a particular activity that she knew could make her pregnant. Blaming the pregnancy on the unborn child is just ridiculous. A child can't create itself, it is created by the mother and father. Even in cases of r*pe, the child is completely innocent and has the same right to their body as their mother.

I was also pro-choice a few months ago with many arguments that I thought were solid. Then I started exposing myself to anti-abortion arguments and I slowly started to change my stance. If you believe in science and that all innocent human beings should have human rights, then abortion must be wrong.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

No one is blaming the pregnancy on the fetus, and I'm not sure why you assumed that to begin with, considering that obviously doesn't even make sense.

The part you seem to be misunderstanding is that pregnancy itself IS an act in which a fetus is literally using the body of the mother; the fetus is physically attached to the mother's body and is using her body to live. If the mother does not consent to her body being used for this pregnancy, then she has every right to stop it from continuing. The fetus does not have the right to use the mother's body, and is dependent on…  Read more

 @9GN9LV2 from Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

If you were plugged into a machine without consent that uses your body to give life support to a stranger (the stranger is in this scenario also innocent; someone else did this), you would have the right to stop giving life support, which would result in the death of the stranger. But abortion is different than just stopping to give life support. Abortion would be the equivalent of assaulting the innocent stranger to death.

 @9GVNZ9Z from New Mexico disagreed…7mos7MO

While I would personally not have an abortion, I respect the right for all people to be able to work with their doctors to decide what medical care is best for them. Politicians should not have a say in an individual's healthcare decisions.

 @9GN9LV2 from Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

The one you're forgetting is the child. The child is a human being and should also be able to decide what medical care is best for them. But the child is unable to do so, therefore abortion must be morally wrong. I have abortionists say that they have had so many patients regretting their abortion, but not a single one regretting having her child. The child in the womb is a unique human being that will never exist again. The heart starts to beat after about 22 days of pregnancy.

 @9GVBN55 from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

The mother is also a human being. Until adequate birth control is provided to both men and women you should not force a woman to carry a child. If you want women to carry children and give them up then social services and foster care need to be completely overhauled.

 @9GN9LV2 from Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

I think most people agree that dying is way worse than having to carry a child for a few months. Abortion ends the life of another human being. Killing an innocent human being is never an excuse.

 @9GTF5TH from California disagreed…7mos7MO

I am pro-choice because the woman has a lot more healthcare risks, financial risks and time invested when pregnant, therefore, on principle, I believe she has the choice to have an abortion or not.

 @9GN9LV2 from Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

While recognizing the challenges women face during pregnancy, it's crucial to address the core issue: the morality of ending a human life. The unborn child has value and a right to live. The solution should focus on providing support, resources, and healthcare to women in need, rather than intentionally terminating an innocent child.

 @9GT5M5NIndependent from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

I am not against abortion because say the parents of the child are financially stable to take care of the child or ready to take care of the child, there's no reason they should have the kid if it's only going to make life harder for them and not being able to provide everything, they for the child.

 @9GN9LV2 from Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

The child inside the womb is a unique human being that will never exist again. It's extremely selfish to kill an innocent child because it would be harder for you if that child were to be born. When you look at history, every time we said that some humans aren't worth as much as others and that privileged people have the right to end others' lives because it's more convenient for them, the results were catastrophic. During the nazi-holocaust, more than 6 million jews were murdered. Since the legalization of abortion in the United States, more than 60 million children have been aborted, many of whom were so developed that they could feel pain when their body was brutally ripped apart inside the womb by the abortionist, or when the abortionist injected a needle through their head. Abortion is not okay.

 @9GRPRJM from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

A fetus has no idea what is going on, and they will not miss a life that they couldn’t even comprehend they could’ve had. If all humans should have human rights, then women should have the right to not infringe on their bodies with a baby they don’t even want to begin with.

 @9GN9LV2 from Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

A newborn doesn't understand anything either, but killing a newborn baby is wrong. Why is it wrong to kill a child 5 minutes after birth, but totally fine 5 minutes before birth? If you believe in all human's equal worth, then abortion must be wrong. Listen up, I was also pro-abortion a few months ago, with the same argument as you. I also thought it was disgusting when some states started to ban abortion. Later I started to expose myself to pro-life arguments and I slowly started to change my mind. Pro-choicers (Including the younger me) are convinced that abortion must be okay and…  Read more

 @9GP6CKFDemocrat from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

The human being in question might be born into a poor family, or have no father, and thus have a bad life. Abortions can often be for the good of the unborn fetus.

 @9H2F4TJRepublican from Pennsylvania agreed…7mos7MO

I am completely against abortion because I think that killing a innocent baby should not be allowed and it is very wrong.

 @9GNCCLK from Illinois agreed…7mos7MO

I 100% agree. Life begins at conception (scientifically proven), and killing them would go against our natural human rights.

 @9GNC788 from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

I do not support abortion because every human has the right to live if they do not want it leave it at a shelter because it could be given to someone who can not have one. Do not decide for the life of human being that can not stand up for himself or herself.

 @9GNBKYSRepublican from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

by the time that you know that their is a baby in you they are physically alive you decided to be dumb and you need to take action now

 @9GW3JW9 from Virginia agreed…7mos7MO

i agree that abortions shouldn't be legal UNLESS raped or in danger of living or not being financially stable

 @9GN9LV2 from Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

When you say that abortion should be legal in cases of financial instability, you're saying that children that grows up in poverty doesn't have a right to life. If the mother can't afford to have the child, she can set the child up for adoption.

I also think that your argument about rape is wrong.The child in the womb is without doubt a human being and deserves to have human rights. Innocent children shouldn't be put to death because of their father's sins. We don't even give death penalty to rapists, so killing the child would be to give rapists more rights than innocent children. Abortion puts trauma on trauma, and makes the recovery procces for the rape victim way harder. Abortion doesn't erase the rape, it adds to it.

 @9H2KP84 from Missouri disagreed…7mos7MO

Abortion should be legal because until the "baby" can live on it's own, it's essentially a parasite in the body, as it cannot live without a host. If you choose to get rid of the zygote it is not a person, and cannot live on it's own anyways.

 @9GY9R8D from Florida disagreed…7mos7MO

The government should provide more aid for caregivers. A lot of people are living off paycheck-to-paycheck and having a child is very costly.

 @9GWGZX6 from Missouri disagreed…7mos7MO

There are who suffered from SA or Unconstitutional sex that shouldn't be forced to take care of the said child. It wasn't their fault that happened and it caused them to become pregnant. Than you have children who were raised in an environment that had either their own families, church communities, or ect that didn't teach them the proper sex education or they did cause the SA trauma. Which causes certain responses and no knowledge of what is to come.
We have 8 year old who are getting pregnant, that IS NOT OK! If we force parents to take care of children they don't want…  Read more

 @9GS8KFS from California disagreed…7mos7MO

Although most believe that abortion should be illegal, I think otherwise. Abortion is something no one else should decide for us, I will say that the government definitely needs to do a better job on spreading awareness about safe sex but the decision is made by the woman. The unborn child does have it's rights but we ourselves don't know what some women could be going through or what could happen to the child if it was to be born. Women don't have all the help and opportunities others have.

 @9GQ4LDL  from Wisconsin disagreed…7mos7MO

If you believe that all human beings should have human rights, consider the mother. Imagine what she will go through if forced to have this child that she does not want. The baby will grow up in a potentially unstable life, and the mother will have many complications from this forced pregnancy. If you care about human rights, protect the mother who could continue to live a healthy life rather than yet another baby that the government won't care about.

 @9GNJ5NK from Tennessee disagreed…7mos7MO

If you believe all humans should have human rights, make sure that baby has every other human right too. Access to a home, not just foster care. Access to food, education, a family. If you can't also give these "human rights", you are not pro life, you are pro birth.

 @9GND8HW from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

The person bearing the child is also a human with rights so therefore they also have the right to choose what they do to their body. If the child-bearer deems the fetus as something they need to get rid of then they should have the right to get rid of it properly, either through abortion or any other mean like adoption.

 @9GNC7GYSocialist from Massachusetts disagreed…7mos7MO

An unborn baby is not a human being because their brains are not developed enough to have thoughts. We easily kill spiders without a second thought, and that is because they do not have the comprehension to understand it. Likewise, a 12 week old fetus does not have the mental capacity to understand what is happening, and they are not really a human being if they can't think like one.

 @9GMVN2LLibertarian from Arkansas disagreed…7mos7MO

for a majority of the time, an unborn baby is not technically human. It does not have the same emotions, thoughts, etc. of a fully-formed human being.


I completely agree with this. Why is it not consider it a baby 5 seconds before its born but we do as soon as it i out of the mother. We never say "I'm having a fetus" we say "I'm having a baby" so we should consider it one from the start. 5tbgv ``

 @9GQM9FC from Georgia agreed…7mos7MO

i am against abortion because if you mess around and have a child you should take care of it and grow up since you wanna act grown.

 @9GNC9TM  from Colorado agreed…7mos7MO

I also oppose abortion for victims of rape and incest because women of all ages are raped by strangers, friends, family friends, and anyone who is related to them like ( dad, brother, uncle, and grandfather) women should get an abortion but if you just do not want your kid just put them up for adoption because killing a baby is not ok!!! only if the woman wasn't raped and women who here raped should definitely get an abortion.

 @9GNC279 from Illinois agreed…7mos7MO

I am against abortion because when people find out that they are pregnant the baby is already breathing. Also if you go through abortion it’s not only killing a human life but the process of it also hurts the mother.

 @9GZGZJZ from California agreed…7mos7MO

I am very against abortion because every human has the right to live and the baby is still a human and it is not okay to kill a baby.

 @9GVWCMM from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with the the author because if abortion is considered humane then the unborn baby should be considered humans therefore the unborn baby is a human being.

 @9GQKJD4  from New York agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with this comment Abortion is simply murder the baby is alive and has a heartbeat so what about it is not murder you're killing a living human being


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