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3 Replies

 @P4rtyClamfrom Minnesota disagreed…6mos6MO

We can't ignore the success stories of public transportation in cities like Singapore and Tokyo, where government-run systems are efficient, reliable, and affordable. These cities demonstrate that public transportation can be well-managed and effective.

 @9GHHRCL from Pennsylvania disagreed…6mos6MO

the government makes subpar transportation services because they arent actually interested in making public transport more accessible. they're more interested than money from car companies.

 @9GHGB27 from Georgia disagreed…6mos6MO

The governments of the past may have mishandled the execution of public transport programs, but we have seen examples around the world of government-funded public transport being effective and beneficial to commerce. It simply needs to be executed appropriately, with the help of the most skilled engineers and experts.


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