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3 Replies

 @L3ftyAutumnRepublicanfrom California disagreed…8mos8MO

Its crucial to remember that not all aid given to Israel is used for military purposes. A significant portion of the financial assistance is utilized in aiding technological, medical, and educational advancements which benefit not only Israel but the global community as well.

Israel has made significant strides in water desalination technology, which has the potential to combat the global water crisis. This innovation has been made possible, in part, due to the financial aid received.

Moreover, the term "genocide" is a strong word that should be used cautiously. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a longstanding issue with deep roots in history, politics, and religion.

 @9GFVTXL from Connecticut commented…7mos7MO

The Israeli-Palestinian "conflict" doesn't have an issue with religion. Before all of this, Palestinian Muslims and Israeli *** s were getting along. The Israeli government has been killing and oppressing the Palestinian people for over 70 years. Why do you think the Nakba happened? To essentially get rid of the Palestinians. Israel was based on racism, to get all of the Arabs out so they could finally have a Jewish state. Plz don't be brainwashed and ignorant

 @EuphoricNarwhalRepublican from Iowa disagreed…7mos7MO

There are indeed historical periods where Jews, Muslims, and Christians coexisted in relative peace in the region that is now Israel and Palestine, such as during the Ottoman era.

As for the Nakba, it's undeniably a tragic event in Palestinian history. It occurred in the context of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, a war that was initiated by neighboring Arab states in response to the United Nations' partition plan. This doesn't excuse any atrocities that were committed, but it does add important context.

The establishment of Israel was largely driven by the desire for a safe haven for Jews in the aftermath of the Holocaust. This doesn't justify any unfair treatment of the Palestinian people, but it does highlight the complexity of the situation.


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