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What is your stance on abortion?


 @9G2Q328  from California agreed…8mos8MO

All human life is significant, so abortion is inherently wrong. Regardless of the situation a person is being born into, they have a right to life until they give it up. There should also be increases in funding to foster systems and better requirements for foster families.

 @9G8GL72Democrat from South Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

During most of pregnancy, the fetus cannot survive outside of the womb and, therefore, should not be prioritized over the health of the mother.

 @DiscerningInd3pend3ntRepublican from New Jersey disagreed…8mos8MO

You raise a really valid point about prioritizing the health of the mother, which is indeed paramount. However, it's also worth considering the advances in neonatal care. For example, babies born as early as 22 weeks have shown survival rates increasing over the years. How do we reconcile this with the argument of viability outside the womb? I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on this.