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29 Replies

 @9G4FY5YDemocrat  from Wisconsin agreed…8mos8MO

When the fetus is still in the first few stages the mother should have full medical control over her body. It is not anyone else's place to make a decision like that for someone. A baby is life-changing and in some situations it could be deadly to the mother. Imagine that the government banned you from making decisions about medical decisions and telling you that you have to get your arm amputated. Getting forced to amputate your arm is sort of like being forced to have a baby that you might not want/afford, it is life-changing. The government should have no right to make your medical decisions for you. NOBODY SHOULD.

 @9G7KWHS from Illinois agreed…8mos8MO

As a response to that I would say when a child is first conceived they are a cell, and thus they have nothing built they are just a cell. And that is all during the first trimester in which they have nothing they are just a cell but the second trimester is when they start kicking they have legs and hands and head and everything they are no longer a cell they are a organism now. You are allowed to abort a cell but not allowed to abort a organism.

 @9G2LVXMDemocrat from New York agreed…8mos8MO

I think in certain cases abortion should be available(rape, child labor- 15 and under, incest). Other than that, you play, you pay.

 @9G5YR6RPeace and Freedom from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

God has absolutely nothing to do with it. a life does not begin at conception it begins with a heartbeat and brain activity.

 @9G5M57Q from California disagreed…8mos8MO

It’s total bull **** the dam baby is not alive it should be aborted and god does not exist religion is also racist and dumb and immoral and bleves anti since bul **** abortian is a right no matter what the reason is.


As a woman if we have any complications during pregnancy and have to give up a fetus life it should be our business not "Jesus"

 @9G3QK7R from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

they should have a different way of getting rid of the baby and give it a home it deserves and not one that doesn't even want him/her.

 @9G3LMR8 from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

The parents of the baby should have control on what happens with their child especially the mother. That baby is inside that mother's body and she should decide what happens with it. If the baby was concieved by unconsented sex or rape on a minor, abortion should be approved.

 @9G3JYY8 from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

If a woman is a victim of molestation or rape, she should never have to carry that mans child and raise it without a father. it is not fair on the woman or the child. The Lord may have given us this child but he has also given us as humans free will and the will to choose. from the beginning of time people have had the god given right to choose. don't take that right away

 @9G36KN8 from Kentucky disagreed…8mos8MO

We are the owners of our body. If you do not agree with abortion, then don't do it, but don't take that choice away from someone else.

 @9G2ZTBL from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

Such a "vessal" has minimal sentience, and if pro life, what about the person themselves? What about their life?

 @9G2YWG7 from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

A fetus (not a baby) is not alive until, minimally, the point of viability. No one has the right to use a specific person's body to stay alive. Any arguments that cite religion are irrelevant.

 @9G2XBZ5 from Washington disagreed…8mos8MO

Many aborted fetuses are aborted because of them causing issues for the mother. Some are aborted by the choice of the parents not being able to support the future baby. Abortion is not commonly just something for them to do for fun. And some people don't believe in Jesus Christ or God, they shouldn't be subjected to other's personal views.

 @9G2R959Socialist  from Minnesota disagreed…8mos8MO

Government regulations of personal medical decisions should not be based on anyone's religious beliefs, as those beliefs do not apply to the entire population.

 @9G2PGXT from California disagreed…8mos8MO

In my belief, I believe solely in jesus and our lord above, but I do also believe that babies aren't a choice made from them, it was a choice made by us humans to have the baby. I agree with once the baby has a heartbeat and limbs you shouldn't be able to abort, but before then it should be a flexible option to do so.

 @9G2NVLGIndependent from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

If the mother is not physically or mentally able to support the child, then they should be allowed to abort the child.

 @9G2NPNZ from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

While it may become a human one day, an embryo should not have more rights to a life it may not even be suited for than its mother.


a baby is not a human until its 3rd trimester, and up until then, it doesent feel or have emotions so it isnt a human

 @9G2MHYR from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Religion has nothing at all to do with conceiving a baby. A woman should have the right to do whatever she may please with the potential baby in her body. If every baby is a gift of god then why did rape have to happen for said baby to be conceived? God is important and maybe he is more to you than he is to me, but in no way is he the answer to a problem like this.

 @9G2MGF8 from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

In the early stages in the womb, a baby is not even recognizable as a human. It is merely a group of cells, without consciousness or thoughts. However, this clump of cells could threaten the life of the woman carrying it. If your argument against abortion is that a life is saved every time a woman chooses to give birth rather than abort, then what do you have to say about the life that may be ended in the process? As religious as you may want to be, a person's body is their own, and they have a right to do with it what they want. And when giving birth or carrying a child could result in…  Read more

 @9G2MDT8 from Connecticut disagreed…8mos8MO

If women need an abortion to protect their life because if they were to carry the baby to term it would greatly effect their well-being and their health.

 @9G2M469 from Kentucky disagreed…8mos8MO

Public policy should not be made based on religious ideals since we a a country which follows separation of church and state, as stated by the establishment clause in the constitution

 @9G2M372 from Oklahoma disagreed…8mos8MO

Once a baby has reached a certain number of weeks inside the mother than it should be considered a living thing. Some parents are not financially stable enough to have a baby or the baby was a forced conceiving, in either case a mother should not be forced to carry a fetus if she does not want to have a baby.

 @9G2LZG5 from Minnesota disagreed…8mos8MO

Not correct, it is the mothers decision if they want to go through that stage in life. And who knows how that tiny fetus was even created.

 @9G2LY6P from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

I feel this argument against it involves religion a lot and obviously not everyone has the same beliefs, so that doesn't really make a good argument at all. Separation of church and state.

 @9G2LLLR  from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

There is a seperation of church and state in our government, so if you want to keep the baby because its a gift from god thats fine but no one else is subject to your opinion.

 @9G63Q9G  from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

An unborn child is nothing more than a cell when it is first made. Sometimes, women who become pregnant are simply not ready to have a child. Put into perspective, a young woman who couldn't be any more than 20 years old, has unfortunately fallen under as a victim of rape. She is forced to carry and birth a child that she doesn't even know who the father is. Then she is forced to raise this child by herself when she is nothing more than a child herself. It is unfair and against womens' rights to get rid of abortion. In my genuine opinion, I believe that if women believe that abortion is against Jesus Christ then they will not get an abortion but the option should always be available.

 @9G47FG2 from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Not even situation is the same, and not everyone wants to lose their child. People should have the option to chose about abortion because they are making a choice for themselves. No one should have the ability to controls another's life, that child is their and they can choice to abort or not.


I feel that abortion is killing a living being and if they didn't want a kid they shouldn't do things that gives them one.


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