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5 Replies


Open up a history book dimwit. Every country that has adopted socialism has descended into chaos and economic ruin. It's like a virus that infects everything it touches, destroying productivity, innovation, and individual incentive. When the government takes control of everything, there's no room for competition, no drive for excellence, and no motivation to succeed. Socialism is the death of individual responsibility and the birth of collective mediocrity. It stifles ambition and kills the human spirit! It's a race to the bottom, where everyone ends up equally miserable and equally poor.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…11mos11MO

Are you unironically under the belief that socialism is "when the government controls everything"..? Because that's literally just a meme, that's not what socialism is.

Yet even that aside, your argument still doesn't make sense regardless...

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington commented…11mos11MO

Well hello again, you little imp. You've plagued this website long enough time to put you to task:

Every Reason Socialism is Stupid

Socialism is one of the stupidest ideas a moron could hope to dream up. Literally nothing logical can be said in its defense. It has wiped entire civilizations off the earth, murdered tens of millions of people due to starvation, and mercilessly butchered more than a hundred million people in concentration camps because they dared to object to the tyranny of socialism. By contrast, the free market has brought tens of millions of beggars from rags to riches,…  Read more

 @9DD8SFJIndependent from Kansas disagreed…10mos10MO

You earlier claimed "Woke" is a bad thing, although it means someone understands injustices towards racial minorities, how can anyone intrust your definitions of economic theories when you said something that is likely racist?

 @trainfanaticSocialistfrom North Carolina corrected…11mos11MO

Every country that has adopted socialism has descended into chaos and economic ruin

Nordic countries (such as Sweden, Denmark, and Norway) have implemented elements of socialism within their economies, particularly in the form of extensive welfare systems and high levels of government involvement in the economy.

These countries consistently rank highly in terms of quality of life, economic competitiveness, and other metrics of societal well-being. They have managed to combine elements of socialism with aspects of a market economy to create a hybrid system that seems to work well for them.

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